Cut Scouts image

Ages 8 to 11

The Cub Pack is open to children aged 8 to 11. Cub meetings are a place for Cubs to have fun and play games, learn new skills and meet new friends. Each week the Cub Scouts learn the basic skills of life such as bush craft and how to react in emergencies.

All activities and games are developed to encourage teamwork and sharing. Cubs will work their way through boomerang challenges to earn awards or gain proficiency badges for activities in the Cub Scout Record book. These activities cater for all different types of youth, ranging from Literacy badges to Bushcraft, Space, Cooking and Sports.

The major award for Cub Scouts is the Grey Wolf. The work involved to achieve this award for will further a Cubs understanding of the Scouting traditions and will take a them approximately a year to complete.

Joining Cub Scouts

Follow to try Scouting for free

All new members are invited to enjoy the free 4 week trial period before joining. You will need to complete the the 'Application for Youth Membership (Y1)' before your child can participate in any Scout meetings.

Once your new Cub Scout has attended a few Scout meetings they can then be invested into the group. A uniform does not need to be worn until they are ready to be invested.

To join the world of Scouting submit a ✉ Contact Me request.

Investiture in the Pack

Once your Cub Scout is ready to be invested and join the group, the Group Leader or Cub Leader will discuss a date for investiture and the fees. You will need to purchase a uniform for your Cub Scout before they can be invested into the Pack.

At the Investiture meeting your new scout will stand before the Pack and the Leaders to make the Promise. They will receive the group scarf, badges and a warm welcome to the Cub Pack. Your new scout will then be invested to the Cub Pack as a 1st Hazelbrook Cub Scout.

Cub Scout Packs

Cub Pack Leader names are taken from the famous Rudyard Kipling story "The Jungle Book". The Leader in charge of the pack is known as 'Akela' (The Wolf - the one who stands alone). Akela's helpers are known as 'Bagheera' (The Panther - the teacher of hunting) and `Baloo' (The Bear - the teacher of Jungle Law).

The Cub Pack is made up of smaller groups called 'Sixes'.

    • Each Six is identified by a colour and has 6 Cubs.

    • Each Six has an experienced Cub known as a 'Sixer' to lead the Six.

    • Each Six has a less experiences Cub known as a 'Second' to assist the Sixer in leading the Six.

Cub Scout meetings are about learning and having fun. Every activity is designed to ensure that our Cub Scouts go home happy and more knowledgeable about the world and scout craft. The programs in Cub Scouts emphasise exciting and challenging activities based on individual needs.

    • Opportunities for interaction in small groups

    • A sense of belonging and achievement

    • Practise leadership and problem solving skills

    • Develop a sense of fair play and justice

    • Satisfy curiosity and the need for adventure

    • Develop fitness and creative skills

    • Provide new experiences and the opportunity to learn by doing

    • Provide the opportunity to make choices and decisions

    • Provide the opportunity to express and respond to individual spiritual development needs

Cubs learn map reading skills to find their way out of the bush.

Cub Scout Uniform

The Cub Scout Uniform consists of

    • A dark blue shirt with yellow across the sleeve, yoke and collar.

    • The Hazelbrook Scout Group scarf and woggle.

    • Navy blue pants or shorts.

    • Enclosed shoes must be worn.

The Cub Scout shirt can be purchased on-line from The Scouts Shop

Your Cub Scout Leaders can help you selecting the right shirt sizes.

Your new Cub Scout will receive their 1st Hazelbrook Group scarf and woggle during their Investiture ceremony.

Cub Scout Badge Placement

Bade placement image

Cub Scout Badges and Awards

Boomerang Award

For Cub Scouts the Boomerang Award Scheme is the major training program methods which teaches everyday skills. Boomberang badges are designed to be earned in a progressive manner as a Cubs age increases. There are three levels of Boomerang:

    • Bronze

    • Silver

    • Gold

Achievement Badges

The Achievement Badge Scheme helps Cubs to learn new skills and recognises their individual interest areas. Cubs can choose from 34 badges that encompass the arts and literature; nature, science and technology; sports and recreation; and the wider world.

Special Interest Badges

There are also seven Special Interest Badges for Cub Scouts: Landcare Badge; Local History Badge; Waterwise Badge; Our Heritage Badge; Language Emblem; Faith Awareness Badge; World Conservation Badge; and Cub Scout Leadership Course Badge.

Grey Wolf Award

The Grey Wolf Award is the ultimate award for a Cub Scout. It requires participation in a number of outdoor activities, attendance at Pack Councils, achievement of a number of Level 2 Achievement Badges and Special Interest Badges, and the development of a Jungle Book group resource.

Read more about the Cub Award Scheme on the Scouts NSW site.