Joey Scouts image

Ages 5 to 8

The Joey Scouts Mob is for young children aged 5 to 8 (attending school full-time) .

This is the beginning of your journey as a Scout. In Joey Scouts you will make new friends and look out for each other. You will be part of a small team called a Patrol. Working together in your Patrol, you will discover lots of different, fun, exciting and challenging adventures outdoors.

You will discover the world around you through adventures in your community, exploring creative and personal discoveries.

Our Joey Scout Leaders guide the Joey Mob as they learn to share and interact each other in a caring social environment. Joey Scouts are encouraged to express themselves creatively through games, stories and craft activities.

There are lots of indoor and outdoor activities that entertain and teach basic motor skills, whilst encouraging communication and co-operation. Joey Scouts are encouraged to jump in and help other people and to share with their friends.

On occasion the Joey Scouts enjoy outings to places such as the local fire station or receive expert instruction on outdoor activities and safety from special guests at their weekly meetings.

Joining Joey Scouts

Follow to try Scouting for free

All new members are invited to enjoy the free 4 week trial period before joining. You will need to complete the the 'Application for Youth Membership (Y1)' before your child can participate in any Scout meetings.

Once your new Joey Scout has attended a few Scout meetings they can be invested into the group. Joey Scouts don't need to wear a uniform until they are ready to be invested.

To join the world of Scouting submit a ✉ Contact Me request.

Investiture in the Mob

Once your Joey Scout is ready to be invested and join the group, the Group Leader or Joey Leader will discuss a date for investiture and the fees. You will need to purchase a uniform for your Joey Scout before they can be invested into the Mob.

At the Investiture meeting your new scout will stand before the Mob and the Leaders to make the Promise. They will receive the group scarf, badges and a warm welcome to the Mob. Your new scout will then be invested to the Mob as a 1st Hazelbrook Joey Scout.

Joey Scout Mobs

Joey Scout meetings are about having fun. Every activity is designed to ensure that our Joey Scouts go home happy and fulfilled from their time as part of the Mob. The programs in Joey Scouts emphasise co-operation and participatory learning.

    • Participating in games, activities, crafts, stories, songs, play acting and outdoor activities.

    • Co-operating in fun games and activities that also require sharing, helping and pulling together.

    • Competing against oneself and others using small ad hoc groups with the accent on fun.

    • Playing in an atmosphere created by our trained Leaders, in the style of Scouting and based on the values of the Scout Law and Scout Promise.

    • Broadening the children’s experiences and understandings of the world around them through the use of displays, objects, visitors, outings and explanations.

    • Prepare Joey Scouts for the wider program of Scouting through weekly meetings and Joey Fun Days

Our Joey's learning bush fire safety with the Rural Fire Service

Joey Scout Uniform

The Joey Scout Uniform consists of

  • A dark blue shirt with tan across the sleeve, yoke and collar.

  • The Hazelbrook Scout Group scarf and woggle.

  • Navy blue pants or shorts.

  • Enclosed shoes must be worn.

The Joey Scout shirt can be purchased on-line from The Scout Shop

Your Joey Scout Leaders can help you selecting the right shirt sizes.

Your new Joey Scout will receive their 1st Hazelbrook Group scarf and woggle during their Investiture ceremony.

Joey Scout Badge Placement

Badge placement image

Joey Scout Badges and Awards

Joey Scouts do not work on a badge award scheme. However, there are Challenge Badges, where Mob participation is essential to qualify. These participation badges include the environment challenge, the adventure challenge, the buddy badge and the care and share badge.

Promise Challenge Badge

The ultimate award for a Joey Scout is the Promise Challenge Badge. It requires a Joey to research and learn more about scouting, the Promise and the Scout Law away from the Mob activities. The final stage of the Promise Challenge is a presentation to the Mob.

Read more about the Joey Participation Scheme on the Scouts NSW site.