Scout Leaders image

A Leader can be anybody who has an interest in developing leadership skills and would like to assist the community with applying these learnt skills to the development of our youth. There is no such thing as a professional Scout Leader. Most Leaders are just a mum or dad like you. With the help of the Scout Association's excellent adult training program you will be transformed into a Youth Leader.

All of our Leaders have given their time to complete their basic training and some have gone on and have completed their Advanced Leadership Training as well as first aid and several other significant qualifications.

Leaders of Joey Mobs, Cub Packs, Scout Troops and Venturer Units need to allocate one night a week for the Group meeting during school term time. You will also need to attend group activities (e.g. hikes or camping trips) on a few weekends each year. Attendance at a monthly meeting of Leaders is required.

Leaders are given training and support by other Leaders from Scouts Australia, and are given resources of program ideas. There is training in all aspects of youth leadership, program planning, safety and other requirements.

Becoming a Leader

As a Leader, you must undertake Basic and Advanced training in working with young people, including learning the basics of Scouting, leadership, safety and program planning. You are also required to make a commitment to complete the Advanced Training within a three-year period. This training is a Scouting standard all over the world, known as the Wood Badge.

There is no cost involved for volunteer leaders to meet their weekly commitment to Scouting . Our Group covers training expenses. You will have to purchase your own uniform, and depending on the activities of your section, you may need to purchase (or borrow) some of your own equipment from time to time.

Scouts NSW ensures that all of its volunteers comply with current legislation including the Prohibitive Employment Declaration (PED) and Working with Children Check. All leaders must undergo Police checks before they are allowed to attend and help out at meetings including Leaders-in-training.

To join the world of Scouting submit a ✉ Contact Me request.

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Section Leaders

Joey Leaders

Our Joey Leaders are committed to developing age appropriate programs that invite Joey's to participate in a friendly cooperative environment, while learning a range of new skills in the Scouting tradition.

Cub Leaders

Cubs are encouraged to build a strong foundation for their journey through Scouting. Our Cubs Leaders develop age appropriate programs to encourage teamwork, sharing and leadership skills in the Cub Pack in a fun, friendly learning environment.

Scout Leaders

Our Scout Leaders are committed to developing age appropriate programs for the Scouts to develop their Scouting and Leadership skills. Scout Leaders train and assist the Patrol Leaders to allow them to lead the Patrol to complete programs and badge work. Scout Leaders also 'sit in' as an advisor on Patrol Council meetings.

Venturer Leaders

Our Venturer Leaders are committed to mentoring and encouraging Venturers and provide advise for the development of their programs and activities. The Venturer Leaders also provide guidance to the Unit Council to make sure the meetings function effectively and adhere to the principles of Scouting.

Group Leader

Our Group Leader coordinates the groups activities across the sections in the group. The Group Leader encourages development in the adult leaders and provides leadership to the Section Leaders.

Leader uniform

The Scout Leader Uniform consists of

    • The dark blue Scout shirt.

    • The Hazelbrook Scout Group scarf and woggle.

    • Bone or navy blue pants, shorts or skirt.

The Scout Leader shirt can be purchased on-line from The Scouts Shop

Leader Badge Placement

Badge placement image

Leader recognition

Adult Recognition Awards are presented to volunteer Leaders who have given valuable service above and beyond what is normally expected of a person in that position.

Any Scout member or formation may recommend a Leader for an Adult Recognition Award, which is forwarded onto the State Chief Commissioner to review.

Meritorious Service Award

Presented to adult Members and Supporters for at least seven years of excellent service to the Scout Association.

National President’s Award

Presented to Supporters for eminent achievement and exceptional service over a long period or for a unique and highly valued contribution to the well-being of Scouting.

Special Service Award

Presented to adult Members and Supporters for at least 12 months of good service to the Scout Association.

Silver Wattle

Presented to adult Members for at least 10 years of outstanding service to the Scout Association.

Outstanding Service Award

Presented to Supporters for at least 12 years of outstanding service to the Scout Association.

Silver Koala

Presented to adult Members for at least 14 years of distinguished service to the Scout Association.

Distinguished Service Award

Presented to Supporters for at least 18 years of distinguished service to the Scout Association.

Silver Emu

Presented to adult Members for further distinguished service of around 4-5 years since the wards of the Silver Koala.

Silver Kangaroo

Presented to adult Members for eminent achievement and exceptional service over a long period or for a unique and highly valued contribution to the well-being of Scouting.