Parental Involvement
Scouts is not a baby sitting club
Your participation in the group is vital to it's success
Unfortunately it costs money to run a Scout group. Costs such as insurance and maintenance are unavoidable. The more effort volunteers put in the more fun the Scouts will have and the less likely fees have to be raised to cover the costs.
Each section is managed by a trained Leader with help from Assistant Leaders. Parent Helpers are encouraged to support the leaders on a weekly basis. Volunteering for roles such as these helps to ‘free up’ the uniformed Leaders so they can focus on planning and running activities, and providing youth members with the best possible Scouting experience. The most successful Scout Groups are those where there is strong parental support.
What many people don’t realise is that there are plenty of flexible ways parents can get involved with or contribute to their local Scout Group without making the time commitment required for a uniformed leadership role.
Being a parent helper at the weekly meetings.
Providing transport to and from Scouting events.
Assisting with food preparation.
Offering their unique talents and skills for a group theme night.
Organising a group excursion to their workplace.
Helping out at fundraising events.
Helping with grounds and hall maintenance.
Joining the Group Committee and/or assisting with administration.