Protecting Children
Scouts are Australia's leading youth development organisation and we do our utmost to ensure that your children are kept safe in our care. The Leaders undergo training for 6 to 12 months before becoming a certified Scout Leader. Before this, they are classed as Leaders-in-training.
Scouting has a ‘two deep’ leadership policy. This is, two certified Leaders, will always be present at all activities. However, when this is not possible, at least one certified leader will be present. We will not run a meeting without at least one other adult also present i.e. 2 adults present. We are also required to have a female present in all meetings when a girl is attending.
Scouts NSW ensures that all of its volunteers comply with current legislation including the Prohibitive Employment Declaration (PED) and Working with Children Check. All leaders must undergo police checks before they are allowed to attend and help out at meetings including Leaders-in-training.
FAQ: What safeguards are in place to protect my child?
Scouts Australia's child protection system is considered to be amongst the best in the country. Adult Leaders undergo background Police checks, are required to provide references, and receive comprehensive, ongoing training in dealing with children. We aim to have at least two adult Leaders present during all activities. We cater for medical, physical and dietary requirements by obtaining all the necessary information to allow Leaders and other helpers to take appropriate action. At least one person trained in first aid attends all major events.
For more information please see the Youth protection page on the Scouts NSW site.
Bullying, it's not part of Scouting
Bullying and Harassment is not acceptable behaviour in Scouts. When new members make the Scout Promise they agreed to uphold the values of the Scout Law and the Principles of Scouting. It is the responsibility of all members to honour their Promise and ensure proper behaviour.
Bullying and Harassment has short and longer term consequences which detract from the physical and mental health of members of the Group. Awareness of how to break the cycle of bullying and harassment is embedded into Scout youth programs. Group members experiencing or witnessing bullying or harassment are encouraged to report it and to seek support from their peers and from the wider support networks available within the Scouts.